Units Converter Calculator

    Current unit

Tips on How to Use the Converter Calculator

Getting started

To start using the Converter, simply enter a magnitude and its unit. For example:

8 ft
93 lbs

The first example represents a length, and you'll get conversions for other related units, such as meters (m), nanometers (nm), milimiters (mm), centimiters (cm), and more.

The second one denotes mass, yielding conversions into kilograms (kg), grams (g), ounces (oz), etc.

You'll notice that the results are updated in real-time as you write. There's no need to navigate lists or click buttons while using this converter. Just write.

Numerical expressions

The calculator can evaluate numerical expressions that include addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (*), division (/), exponentiation (double asterisk, e.g., in 5**2 = 25). It also supports scientific notation (e.g., 1e8 or 1e-8) and recognizes the constant pi (π = 3.1415926...).

This way, you can use our tool as a simple unitless calculator:

86 + 1/12 + pi/4 * 2**2

Naturally, you can also convert numerical expressions with units as demonstrated earlier:

86 + 1/12 + pi/4 * 2**2 ft
5**2 * 3 * 150 lbs
pi * (20**2 - 6**2) / 4 m2
(8+((-8)**2 - 4 * 2.5 * 3)**0.5) / (2 * 2.5) km/h

It's worth noting that spaces between numbers and operators can be included or omitted, and the algorithm will automatically trim them.

Additionally, you can specify a target unit by writing it after the original unit. In this case, only the conversion you need is shown. For example:

8.3e9 Pa ksi
5**2 * 3 * 150 lbs kg
pi * (20**2 - 6**2) / 4 m2 in2
(8+((-8)**2 - 4 * 2.5 * 3)**0.5) / (2 * 2.5) km/h mph

Physical property list of units

If you input the name of the physical property, it'll show the complete list of units associated with that quantity. You can enter physical properties like in these examples:


Physical Quantities Units Conversion

Explore the list of physical quantities below to find the specific one you need.

Use the Smart Input of the main page to easily convert units with a few keystrokes, or simply click on one of the quantities to access a comprehensive description along with its dedicated units converter.